- investor
- сущ.фин. инвестор, вкладчик (капитала) (физическое лицо, частная компания или государственный институт, вкладывающие свои собственные или заемные средства в финансовые или физические активы с целью получения дохода, напр., в ценные бумаги, производственные фонды и т. п.)
investor in stock — инвестор в акции
potential investor — потенциальный инвестор
Ant:accredited investor, active investor, aggressive investor, angel investor, conservative investor, contrarian investor, ethical investor, foreign investor, green investor, growth investor, hands-off investor, hands-on investor, individual investor, institutional investor, international investor, long-term investor, marginal investor, moderate investor, non-accredited investor, passive investor, personal investor, portfolio investor, professional investor, public investor, retail investor, risk-averse investor, risk-loving investor, risk-neutral investor, risk-seeking investor, short-term investor, small investor, sophisticated investor, strategic investor, value investor, American Association of Individual Investors, Investors in Industry, Investors in People, Index of Investor Optimism, investor relations, investee, investment 1)See:accredited investor, active investor, aggressive investor, angel investor, conservative investor, contrarian investor, ethical investor, foreign investor, green investor, growth investor, hands-off investor, hands-on investor, individual investor, institutional investor, international investor, long-term investor, marginal investor, moderate investor, non-accredited investor, passive investor, personal investor, portfolio investor, professional investor, public investor, retail investor, risk-averse investor, risk-loving investor, risk-neutral investor, risk-seeking investor, short-term investor, small investor, sophisticated investor, strategic investor, value investor, American Association of Individual Investors, Investors in Industry, Investors in People, Index of Investor Optimism, investor relations, investee, investment 1)
* * *
инвестор: физическое или юридическое лицо, помещающее свои средства в финансовые или реальные активы в расчете на доход и/или прирост капитала.* * *Инвестор. Владелец финансовых активов . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *Инвестиционная деятельностьинвесторфизическое лицо, юридическое лицо или государство, осуществляющее инвестиции в различные проекты
Англо-русский экономический словарь.